— POEM 𝒃𝒚 Abubakar Shehu Omotosho
Death acts like actor,
Death denudes clothier,
Death rules like ruler,
Death derives and drinks tears day by day.
Death acts like actor,
Death denudes clothier,
Death rules like ruler,
Death derives and drinks tears day by day.
Like stranger I’m living,
Walking like of villagers,
My cloth is slight,
But my body is jumbo.
From zero to hero we’ll still stand,
The love of my heart is expiring,
All those who claimed to love her,
Are betraying her.
So run children of mama Africa,
Before the gun chooses and break down your bones,
The gun, the gun,
Tears are speedy on your cheeks,
Moans and cries have been put on repeat.
Everyone is loving and innocent on this day,
Even that teaser and abuser is disappointed …..
Refugee camps are pearly dark graves of dreams,
And we’re the dream diggers;
We’ve been frustrated and frosted to dampen our streams,
In the world of people uncomfortable and cold,
The sun warms the hearts less and less.
And kindness, like an ounce of gold,
Tightly hidden in stone of the face.
If God doesn’t want it,
Simoom not tears leaf,
Cactus not blooms,
Butterfly not lives.
My beauty, go and meet him,
Stranger touched the threshold.
In the trench the flower withered,
With a bullet plucked he returned.
In the light of heaven, faith guides us,
In God’s love, the soul calms down.
Universal love lights the way,
In everyone’s heart, the circle goes on forever.