United In Our Call

So run children of mama Africa,
Before the gun chooses and break down your bones,
The gun, the gun,
The gun that killed our fathers,
Same did kill our mothers,
And the same is still killing our relatives.
Before Humanity, reality, equality our souls were landless,
Before Humanity, reality, equality our tongues were voiceless,
The words spoken were useless and because of the gun,
We run and run and run.
Africa, my sweet heart,
Africa, my dear mom,
Africa, my honey,
I never thought you could give me this name: Refugee,
I never thought you could bury my visions and paste them in the graves,
At the sight of the gun I trembled,
Frightened and cold I felt,
At the sight of the gun,
Clack! Clack! Clack!
I thought of the many that died before,
Man’s life is brief, I thought,
I can imagine dead people singing prayers for salvation,
Day by day nations failing to breathe peace where parents die and leave homes in darkness, Children loose hope,
Cruel people trying to kill my dreams and my visions.
I am having a difficult introduction,
The song of sorrow is my rhythm,
The bullets are their strings,
The guns are their guitar,
I pluck it descendo, dimuendo and crescendo, and then I see,
A lighting mental out holding the tears of the victims and without sympathy they pluck it again,
My blood vanishes as a rocket in their way,
So I bury my soul,
And hope to be waked up one day,
Living as dead,
Hearing as deaf,
Seeing as blind,
Much miles walking too,
Disaster passing through,
Then at the end my freedom pulling me back,
My rights being left on my back,
So I wonder what the cost for freedom or I have to offer,
My blood to gain my independence,
Or I have to offer my blood to gain my independence.
Mama Africa,
Dale it in your mind that together we shall stand,
Divide we shall fall,
All for one and one for all,
United in our call.
(Self-translation form Kiswahili)
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Born on 13rd of December 2006 in the democratic republic of Burundi but currently living in Malawi as a Refugee. He is a published poet, author, child Parliamentarian, advocate, feminist as well as an activist. He is author of the ENDLESS. He believes in equality in the world where everyone’s voice should be heard despite of their gender, color or past background. Heritier Havyarimana is one of the members and media coordinator of African Youth Artistic Poetry (AYAP) which aims in strengthening young Refugee’s talents, and also one of the organizers of OUR TALENTS, OUR ADVOCACY festival. He has performed on different events which includes; Tumaini festival, Day of an African Child (DAC), Pre-cop28 climate change summit, World Refugee Day and World Human Rights Day among the others. His vision is to live in a world where peace and stability must be a daily morning international anthem.
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I am forever grateful for the incredible opportunity you’ve given me by sharing my poems with the world. Your belief in my work and your dedication to showcasing it globally has touched my heart and exceeded my wildest dreams. Your support means everything to me, and I am humbled by your kindness and generosity.
Thank you for being a champion of my poetry and for helping me reach a global audience. Your efforts have made a significant impact on my journey as a writer, and I am deeply thankful.
Please know that I appreciate you more than words can express.
Well done
Wow, I’m speechless 😮!
Can’t tell how special your poem felt whilst reading. Filled with deep emotions and thoughts provoking questions, you’re a testament to many. Keep believing. Keep inking. Your voice might be the light 🕯️ we need.🥲🙌🫂