Trandafir Sîmpetru’s poem “You” is an evocative and deeply sensuous exploration of love, desire, and...
To read all posts of Nasir Karim, Please click here by Nasir Karim Charles Lipanda Matenga’s poem...
“Childhood Dream” by Elisa Mascia is a poem that gently and profoundly...
His work, characterized by its profound emotional depth and intricate imagery, has garnered...
Arifa Shahzad’s poetry speaks with a unique voice that resonates deeply with the reader. Her poems...
Azhar Nadeem’s poems reflect a deep connection with nature, love, and the eternal aspects of life...
Amrita Pritam, a literary luminary, expressed her profound thoughts and emotions through a...
Jayant Parmar, a prominent Indian Urdu language poet, artist, and calligrapher, presents a...
Saleem Shahzad’s mesmerizing poems offer a unique lens to view the complexities of the human...
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The Last Rain
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Khalid Fateh Muhammad
The Lingo Lexicon