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are speedy on your cheeks,
Moans and cries have been put on repeat.
Everyone is loving and
innocent on this day,
Even that teaser and abuser is disappointed for me
choosing this way.
It is on my burial day,
That the long-awaited, love is exposed.
ask myself: if this love was poured on me before yesterday
Would I have weaved the rope you are
crying on today?
Did you think of it?
That your actions were
heavy loads on my small heart,
That made me think I’m worthless and being left
Your abuses tore my
septum day by day,
And no one thought of it, so why are you crying
You were all happy with
the insults I was receiving,
made me a pit for wastes; yes my heart didn’t contain microorganisms,
Nothing was decomposing.
So why are you crying?
These are just the fruits of your deeds.
Did you all think of
Did you think if your
actions could be my heavy cross?
You drove me into abortion.
I mean those
contaminations lead to my adaptation.
Did you think of my
Oh yee,
smiles and happiness originated from my pains.
walked in rain by your unspoken command,
worked day and night to survive,
And today am no more.
Am gone with questions
in my head,
heard them speaking of rights,
in a well-protected site,
And the ii’s won.
They said we are all
the same,
when they violate them,
We didn’t agree on that.
My cost of leaving
didn’t kill the living
have you done on me?
have gone without building a name,
How will they claim their clarity?
Your excuses made my
voice unused,
abused me and later accused me of hanging myself,
let’s leave,
our bodies are unseen,
please repent your sins,
Goodbye and please, don’t cry.
form Kiswahili)
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Born on 13rd of December 2006 in the democratic republic of Burundi but currently living in Malawi as a Refugee. He is a published poet, author, child Parliamentarian, advocate, feminist as well as an activist. He is author of the ENDLESS. He believes in equality in the world where everyone’s voice should be heard despite of their gender, color or past background. Heritier Havyarimana is one of the members and media coordinator of African Youth Artistic Poetry (AYAP) which aims in strengthening young Refugee’s talents, and also one of the organizers of OUR TALENTS, OUR ADVOCACY festival. He has performed on different events which includes; Tumaini festival, Day of an African Child (DAC), Pre-cop28 climate change summit, World Refugee Day and World Human Rights Day among the others. His vision is to live in a world where peace and stability must be a daily morning international anthem.
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Good stuff my brother!!
Congratulations my brother