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You came silently from the hidden shore,
You basked in the tan of melancholy of shells,
You came from the hours sizzling and treading on the seaweed,
Lying on the shore behind you,
Baby, the shadows were breaking under thighs of light,
You sighted me with the sea and its myopic embroideries,
Peeling foams like a snake’s rustle that gnaws sands through the greenish air,
Dry screams,
The seagulls and you seek me naked through the dreaming grass,
They screamed underfoot fireflies and you weaved through the days of the night,
And you lay upon my body and slowly you slid through love’s cloudy reeds with your breasts hovering over my mouth,
I was but a beggar in the temple of love, you tore groaning my pulse,
And the scales with fear that I would lose me again in those deltas the water lilies crushed by your kiss…
(Self-translation from Romanian)
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Born on April 19, 1962 in Jirlău commune, Brăila county, Romania. Trandafir Sîmpetru is an Editor, writer, journalist, President of the World Union of Romanian Poets and President of the Association of World Poets. His poems have been translated to English, Indian, Japanese, Serbian, French, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Russian, Serbian, English, Indian, Japanese, Serbian, French, Bulgarian, German, Greek, and Russian
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good poem
nice lovely