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I can touch your portrait and cry tortured,
Like an unfinished dream, hidden in the shell of love,
Waiting somewhere in the night,
Hearts and whispers,
Only silences, my silences, the thought inflicts,
And the seagulls cross in the sky strung,
And you, with tired eyes like two dry dew-berries,
You sought me beneath the full moon,
Beneath the mysteries of the sky,
You sought me to watch the moon together,
Little you cared for the world,
And asked me to drop anchor in every kiss,
To swim in the waters of your heart,
I looked your smile, your eyes and eyebrows,
Oh, how I’d kissed you baby,
And how I’d played with your breasts quietly, amazed!
(Self-translation from Romanian)
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Born on April 19, 1962 in Jirlău commune, Brăila county, Romania. Trandafir Sîmpetru is an Editor, writer, journalist, President of the World Union of Romanian Poets and President of the Association of World Poets. His poems have been translated to English, Indian, Japanese, Serbian, French, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Russian, Serbian, English, Indian, Japanese, Serbian, French, Bulgarian, German, Greek, and Russian
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great poem
beautiful poem