My Taiwan, My Hope

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I hear your voice in the morning birdsong.
I feel your passion in the noon sunshine.
I see your elegant demeanor in the sunset glow.
Oh, Taiwan, my hometown, my love.
The coasts have your curve.
The waves have your surge.
The clouds have your lightness.
The flowers have your posture.
The leaves have your evergreen.
The woods have your burliness.
The foundations have your sturdiness.
The mountains have your loftiness.
The streams have your meandering.
The rocks have your stoutness.
The roads have your ruggedness.
Oh, Taiwan, my land, my dream.
In your lung there is my breath.
In your history there is my life.
In your being there is my consciousness.
Oh, Taiwan, my country, my hope.
(Self-translation from Mandarin)
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Born in 1937, is a retired chairman of National Culture and Arts Foundation in Taiwan. Currently, he is the Vice President of Movimiento Poetas del Mundo founded in Chile. Lee Kuei-shien has published 62 poetry books in different languages, including Mandarin, Japanese, English, Portuguese, Mongol, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, French, Korean, Bengali, Serbian, Turkish, Albanian, Arabic, German and Hindi. His achievement in poetry creation has been awarded with many literature prizes in Taiwan and internationally in India, Mongolia, Korea, Bangladesh, Macedonia, Peru, Montenegro, Serbia and USA.
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