If I Were

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If I were a dock peon,
I used to go to you every day,
To deliver the letter of the heart.
If I were the owner of a flower garden,
Wished you every day,
With flower petals.
If I were an airplane,
I used to fly every day,
At your favorite place.
If I were a ship,
I could take it from the Mediterranean Sea,
To all seas.
If I were an artist,
Your time every day,
I kept it in the culture.
If I were blue,
I used to wrap it in blue love all the time.
If it was your time,
I always gave you time.
If I were your love,
I would have made the king,
On the golden throne dear.
If I were your Aladdin’s lamp,
I would give whatever you wished.
If I were the person of your heart,
I spent my whole life,
With eyes in your eyes,
Hand in hand.
(Self-Translation from Bengali)
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Born on 2nd July,1988 at Coochbehar, India. She is Librarian by profession. She got an honorary doctorate from Theophany University of Haiti. She is an international poet, story writer, live telecaster, dancer, reciter, and motivational speaker. She is literacy organizational of national and international field, attended many national and international conferences. She has published 7 editions of a book on Library and information science and is author of one book. She has also contributed to many national and international anthologies with her poems and stories. Priyanka Neogi is UAP Miss India 2nd runners up 2022. She was an official contestant of Vogue Star Miss India 2023. She is Secretary of 50-Cricket Ball association and Rocket ball association & national joint secretary of Rocket Ball Federation of West Bengal, India, and President of football 8 federation of West Bengal. She is Brand ambassador of All live do exist magazine of USA, Indian Ambassador of Magic Masa of Australia. She is cultural Ambassador of Australia, Arequipa, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, USA, UK, Panama, Bucaramanga, Cazaramanga, Peru, and is a global peace ambassador. Priyanka Neogi is awardee of Outstanding Global Leader Award from Philippines 2021, Best Librarian award 2023 of I-KOAL 2023. She is an Indian Coordinator of Kumilla Kabi Parishad Bangladesh, Indian Coordinator of Sonar Moyna Sahitya Kuthir Bangladesh, Cultural Editor of Swadhin Bangla Sahitya Pradesh, Bangladesh. Cultural Editor of Shikar Sahitya Parishad Bangladesh, Founder of Kalpana Kabita Sahitya Parishad of India, International Representative & West Bengal, Secretary of Mother Teresa Foundation of India, National Joint Secretary of N.C.W.D.C India, Indian Secretary General of WCC International.
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