Fantastic Fairy Tale
Fantastic Fairy Tale

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— Narrator: As time passed, experiences led me to reflect on the fact that everything that exists around us is the result of an intense and complex network of non-chance coincidences. Everything that happens to us is absolutely interconnected and it happens in our favor not against us.
Throughout our lives we experience events that can be considered “coincidences”.
For example, it may happen that you are thinking about a person and within an hour a phone call arrives from that person. It looks incredible.
Or, there are those who — by attending a party that they initially didn’t want to go to — happened to have met the love of their life.
When something similar happens we cannot think that it is a simple coincidence and it is up to us to decide the choice: whether to ignore what has happened considering it as a simple result of chance or to interpret it as an event capable of generating a new direction in our life.
Coincidences are messages that the universe sends us to follow the path that allows us to achieve, without effort, what we really want and we must care them in a conscious way to enter into full connection with the infinite field of possibilities — the universe makes us available to spontaneously realize our intentions and pursue our dreams and goals.
When we become able the forces that act to give shape to coincidences we can learn to stimulate them, creating new ones and seizing the opportunities they offer us to improve and optimize our lives.
All this, when it happens and especially if we are able to recognize it, is magical and acquires a condition of synchronicity with the meeting of benevolence of destiny and a storm of blessings from God.
Tiana lives in her magical story with her life partner Benjamin who doesn’t go a day without showing her great feeling and devotion towards her queen.
— Benjamin: “I adore you. I love you my queen. How wonderful and exemplary it is to repeat this love song of mine to you during the day.”
— Tiana: “I am full of joy and gratified by your profound love that I also give to you without hiding the feeling that unfortunately in the past I had to hold back a little due to external conditioning and also due to a reserved nature.”
— Benjamin: “Everything is different with me. There is always a continuous discovery of pure love. I’ll love you forever.”
— Narrator: Benjamin with new ways of loving expresses with sincerity and respect even from a distance and is the nourishment of a daily love for growth that transforms and leads to a total change but above all the clear perception of feeling good.
— Tiana: “What I like most is the persistence of a state of intimate, secret joy that is perceptible to others who demonstrate their pleasure towards us.”
— Benjamin: “Do you remember, my Tiana, that there have been, since the beginning of this magical love story of ours, some “phony friends” attempted many stratagems and interferences to thwart the furtherance of our love story, my Love?”
— Tiana and Benjamin: “We love each other enough to overcome all impedements.”
— Tiana: “When there is a cleft in our relationship, light infiltrates, illuminating the path so that we can continue more strengthened.”
— Benjamin: “To confirm what you say, my sweet Tiana, I want to add that between the accompaniment of the guiding angels and the positive energies circulating from the sincere love that emanates good vibration for both in a mutual and constructive way, unfortunately it has crept in a mischievous elf from the woods who, bored, enjoys secretly watching, behind a gigantic tree, how angry you are, my dear Tiana.”
— Tiana: “Yes it makes me go into a rage even if I try to keep my soul calm otherwise. I already know that I could have some impulsive reaction as has happened several times in the past and consequently cut off contact with you; as they say in the world virtual block and yet this causes suffering for both.”
— Tiana: “I confirm that I have learnt to count to ten and, at least there is this positive aspect, in addition to the observation that every time there have been conflicts and misunderstandings, the certainty of not having ended our feeling but of feeling it perceived with all the senses even stronger than before.”
— Benjamin: “There have always been cracks that did not allow us to continue in total darkness but from those cracks we allowed ourselves to be illuminated to shine bright like a diamond, the hardest stone of all, which the artist forges with skill of his hands creating unforgettable moments that mark and constitute remembrances in the memory of our boundless love that will never end, will be forever.”
— Tiana: “Despite all the good things between us, I’m down and tired because yesterday and during the previous days I had an assiduous, constant, talkative and daily commitment that absorbed me a lot. I want to rest!”
— Narrator: In the meantime his attention was attracted by the announcement for Mary’s music program, to listen not only to music, of which there is a lot of it anyway, but to spend a few hours relaxing in the company of a dear friend.
The emotion comes directly from heart to heart right from the first bars with direct greetings to the listener. Tiana who is very happy but already ready, at the threshold of the eyelashes, tears of emotion for the songs launched on the air and above all one of the favorites of Benjamin, who likes music very much, in fact in all this time that they have known each other he has sent her over two hundred videos of songs from the first days, all beautiful songs and to hear the famous Hallelujah, their favorite song… Oh my goodness, it really seemed like a beautiful coincidence, a coincidence that everyone then defines as they want, including empathy, forces of positive energy sent by the Universe.
— Tiana: “This is my dominant state of mind between me and Benjamin from the very first moment we met; we built a castle with very solid foundations and an inherent strength that allows us to face hostile weather and obstacles; that present themselves every day to overcome all the difficulties. It is beautiful to fully experience what presents itself to us and, in truth, it seems there is no distance.”
— Benjamin: “Truly you have to live certain experiences so that you can understand how distances are shortened and you live in here and now in a space and time that become truly eternal. We are experiencing the way of being present in the world of a fairy tale, of the web, which however has all it takes to be real…”
— Tiana : “…And indeed we can say that it is difficult to find a fairy tale in reality that is very effective due to the love that expands on all sides, in all places, in all seas, in all oceans, in all skies, between the stars, the clouds and the sun, the moon and down to the seabed.”
— Benjamin: “We breathe the sun, we experience the warmth of the double seasons that alternate when on one side of the hemisphere it is winter and on the other it is summer. We exchange the cold and the heat and vice versa — in your place it snows when in me it is July — and it’s wonderful to experience these sensations.
— Narrator: “Tiana and Benjamin are in the fourth year of the double seasons. It is a very rewarding and beautiful experience. It is a fantastic fairy tale as was the random choice of the radio friend who broadcast, as if by magic, — “Hallelujah” — their love hymn to toast the celebration of their love and wish sublime moons that pass the baton alternating days and nights in double time zone circuit is the detail of a sublime love like the full moon and to continue the journey guided by the angels and directed forever by the twin flame fortified by trials, sometimes exhausting, which however open the way to a more complete knowledge.
The message was sent:
“Learning to live the little things of daily life with profuse commitment, not minimizing when faced with new events, which although difficult are not impossible to manage, always being ready to react in a positive way. Thinking about the development of personal and interpersonal dynamics with an openness and a different approach from the usual boring routine offers the evolution of every situation in the simplest but most grandiose way possible to obtain concrete and optimal results that allow you to feel better with yourself and with others, giving meaning to everything that surrounds us and comes to us by chance”
(Self-translation from Italian)
— Narrator: As time passed, experiences led me to reflect on the fact that everything that exists around us is the result of an intense and complex network of non-chance coincidences. Everything that happens to us is absolutely interconnected and it happens in our favor not against us.
Throughout our lives we experience events that can be considered “coincidences”.
For example, it may happen that you are thinking about a person and within an hour a phone call arrives from that person. It looks incredible.
Or, there are those who — by attending a party that they initially didn’t want to go to — happened to have met the love of their life.
When something similar happens we cannot think that it is a simple coincidence and it is up to us to decide the choice: whether to ignore what has happened considering it as a simple result of chance or to interpret it as an event capable of generating a new direction in our life.
Coincidences are messages that the universe sends us to follow the path that allows us to achieve, without effort, what we really want and we must care them in a conscious way to enter into full connection with the infinite field of possibilities — the universe makes us available to spontaneously realize our intentions and pursue our dreams and goals.
When we become able the forces that act to give shape to coincidences we can learn to stimulate them, creating new ones and seizing the opportunities they offer us to improve and optimize our lives.
All this, when it happens and especially if we are able to recognize it, is magical and acquires a condition of synchronicity with the meeting of benevolence of destiny and a storm of blessings from God.
Tiana lives in her magical story with her life partner Benjamin who doesn’t go a day without showing her great feeling and devotion towards her queen.
— Benjamin: “I adore you. I love you my queen. How wonderful and exemplary it is to repeat this love song of mine to you during the day.”
— Tiana: “I am full of joy and gratified by your profound love that I also give to you without hiding the feeling that unfortunately in the past I had to hold back a little due to external conditioning and also due to a reserved nature.”
— Benjamin: “Everything is different with me. There is always a continuous discovery of pure love. I’ll love you forever.”
— Narrator: Benjamin with new ways of loving expresses with sincerity and respect even from a distance and is the nourishment of a daily love for growth that transforms and leads to a total change but above all the clear perception of feeling good.
— Tiana: “What I like most is the persistence of a state of intimate, secret joy that is perceptible to others who demonstrate their pleasure towards us.”
— Benjamin: “Do you remember, my Tiana, that there have been, since the beginning of this magical love story of ours, some “phony friends” attempted many stratagems and interferences to thwart the furtherance of our love story, my Love?”
— Tiana and Benjamin: “We love each other enough to overcome all impedements.”
— Tiana: “When there is a cleft in our relationship, light infiltrates, illuminating the path so that we can continue more strengthened.”
— Benjamin: “To confirm what you say, my sweet Tiana, I want to add that between the accompaniment of the guiding angels and the positive energies circulating from the sincere love that emanates good vibration for both in a mutual and constructive way, unfortunately it has crept in a mischievous elf from the woods who, bored, enjoys secretly watching, behind a gigantic tree, how angry you are, my dear Tiana.”
— Tiana: “Yes it makes me go into a rage even if I try to keep my soul calm otherwise. I already know that I could have some impulsive reaction as has happened several times in the past and consequently cut off contact with you; as they say in the world virtual block and yet this causes suffering for both.”
— Tiana: “I confirm that I have learnt to count to ten and, at least there is this positive aspect, in addition to the observation that every time there have been conflicts and misunderstandings, the certainty of not having ended our feeling but of feeling it perceived with all the senses even stronger than before.”
— Benjamin: “There have always been cracks that did not allow us to continue in total darkness but from those cracks we allowed ourselves to be illuminated to shine bright like a diamond, the hardest stone of all, which the artist forges with skill of his hands creating unforgettable moments that mark and constitute remembrances in the memory of our boundless love that will never end, will be forever.”
— Tiana: “Despite all the good things between us, I’m down and tired because yesterday and during the previous days I had an assiduous, constant, talkative and daily commitment that absorbed me a lot. I want to rest!”
— Narrator: In the meantime his attention was attracted by the announcement for Mary’s music program, to listen not only to music, of which there is a lot of it anyway, but to spend a few hours relaxing in the company of a dear friend.
The emotion comes directly from heart to heart right from the first bars with direct greetings to the listener. Tiana who is very happy but already ready, at the threshold of the eyelashes, tears of emotion for the songs launched on the air and above all one of the favorites of Benjamin, who likes music very much, in fact in all this time that they have known each other he has sent her over two hundred videos of songs from the first days, all beautiful songs and to hear the famous Hallelujah, their favorite song… Oh my goodness, it really seemed like a beautiful coincidence, a coincidence that everyone then defines as they want, including empathy, forces of positive energy sent by the Universe.
— Tiana: “This is my dominant state of mind between me and Benjamin from the very first moment we met; we built a castle with very solid foundations and an inherent strength that allows us to face hostile weather and obstacles; that present themselves every day to overcome all the difficulties. It is beautiful to fully experience what presents itself to us and, in truth, it seems there is no distance.”
— Benjamin: “Truly you have to live certain experiences so that you can understand how distances are shortened and you live in here and now in a space and time that become truly eternal. We are experiencing the way of being present in the world of a fairy tale, of the web, which however has all it takes to be real…”
— Tiana : “…And indeed we can say that it is difficult to find a fairy tale in reality that is very effective due to the love that expands on all sides, in all places, in all seas, in all oceans, in all skies, between the stars, the clouds and the sun, the moon and down to the seabed.”
— Benjamin: “We breathe the sun, we experience the warmth of the double seasons that alternate when on one side of the hemisphere it is winter and on the other it is summer. We exchange the cold and the heat and vice versa — in your place it snows when in me it is July — and it’s wonderful to experience these sensations.
— Narrator: “Tiana and Benjamin are in the fourth year of the double seasons. It is a very rewarding and beautiful experience. It is a fantastic fairy tale as was the random choice of the radio friend who broadcast, as if by magic, — “Hallelujah” — their love hymn to toast the celebration of their love and wish sublime moons that pass the baton alternating days and nights in double time zone circuit is the detail of a sublime love like the full moon and to continue the journey guided by the angels and directed forever by the twin flame fortified by trials, sometimes exhausting, which however open the way to a more complete knowledge.
The message was sent:
“Learning to live the little things of daily life with profuse commitment, not minimizing when faced with new events, which although difficult are not impossible to manage, always being ready to react in a positive way. Thinking about the development of personal and interpersonal dynamics with an openness and a different approach from the usual boring routine offers the evolution of every situation in the simplest but most grandiose way possible to obtain concrete and optimal results that allow you to feel better with yourself and with others, giving meaning to everything that surrounds us and comes to us by chance”
(Self-translation from Italian
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Born in Santa Croce di Magliano (Cb) in 1956, she lives in San Giuliano di Puglia (Cb), Italy. She is a retired teacher, poet, writer, declaimer, reviewer, juror at cultural events, and cultural manager around the world. She has participated in many national and international poetry competitions, obtaining prizes, certificates of participation, merits and honorable mentions. In 2019, Elisa Mascia published her first collection of poems in the Silloge entitled “𝘓𝘢 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘶𝘨𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘓𝘶𝘯𝘢” (The Grater of the Moon) with “𝘓’𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘰 𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰”. She has published the poetic anthology “𝘓𝘢 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘶𝘨𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘓𝘶𝘯𝘢” (Savage Wind) (poetic translation of the book by Asoke Kumar Mitra) in 2023. In 2024 she published the poetic collection “𝘛𝘳𝘢 𝘭’𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘰 𝘦 𝘭’𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘰” (Between the infinite and the immense) and “Mental Interconnection”. Elisa Mascia is Italy Coordinator – Director of Events and ommunications, Administrator of the Albap Academy. Member of the Writers Capital Foundation International and Italian Coordinator of PILF: 2022-2023-2024 and PIAF 2022 - 2023, Head of the Hagiography Iconography International Biennial of the Writers Capital Foundation International 2023, Author, Artist, Cultural Promoter, Member of the Organizing Committee of International Literature Panorama Festivals, Editor of “The Complete Magazine” – Italy. Since May 2024 she has been a member of Ciesart by the president Lily Baylon Escritora, with the attribution of the member identification number. She was co-host of the program En Alas del Fénix and collaborator of Radio Krysol Internazionale with video-declamations of her poems and those of other authors in Italian and Spanish.
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