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Nadam se da vas ovo pismo zatiče dobro.
Zaista je za svaku pohvalu kako časopis 𝘛𝘩𝘦 ᒪIᑎGO ᒪE᙭IᑕOᑎ služi kao platforma za unapređenje književnosti jezika kroz prevode. Za razliku od drugih književnih časopisa, koji se fokusiraju isključivo na objavljivanje dela

već globalno poznatih pisaca i pesnika, vaša platforma pruža inkluzivan prostor koji neguje raznolikost i slavi lepotu različitih jezičkih tradicija. Vaša posvećenost da pružite glas nedovoljno zastupljenim talentima i da stvorite most između kultura je inspirativna. Takvi napori ne samo da obogaćuju književni svet, već i podstiču nove pisce i prevodioce da doprinesu zajedničkom globalnom nasleđu. Hvala vam na vašem dragocenom radu. Uverena sam da će vaš tim nastaviti da briljira i ostavi još veći trag u svetu književnosti.
Maja Milojković
Dear Team of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 ᒪIᑎGO ᒪE᙭IᑕOᑎ,
I hope this message finds you well.
It is truly admirable how 𝘛𝘩𝘦 ᒪIᑎGO ᒪE᙭IᑕOᑎ serves as a welfare magazine, uniquely promoting the literature of languages through translations. Unlike other literary magazines that focus solely on publishing works of globally renowned writers and poets, your platform provides an inclusive space that fosters diversity and celebrates the beauty of various linguistic traditions.
Your dedication to giving voice to underrepresented talents and creating a bridge between cultures is inspiring. Such efforts not only enrich the literary world but also encourage emerging writers and translators to contribute to a shared global heritage.
Thank you for your valuable work. I am confident that your team will continue to excel and make an even greater impact in the world of literature.
Warm regards.
Maja Milojković, Serbia
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Born in 1975 in Zaječar, She lived in Bor, Serbia and currently she lives between Serbia and Denmark. She holds an accolade of internationally recognized poet who advocates for peace in the world. In Serbia, she is the deputy editor at “Sfairos” printing house in Belgrade, Serbia. She is the vice-president of the association “Rtanj and Mesečev peski krug”. Maja Milojković is a person whose blood has been running from Leonardo da Vinci’s statement "Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is a picture that can be heard." She is a painter and reviewer. As a poet, Maja Milojković is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her songs are also available on YouTube. She is the winner of many international awards. She is an activist of many associations and organizations, for peace in the world, against violence against animals, racism, etc. Maja Milojković is the author of 2 books: “The Circle of the Moon”- 2019 and “Trees of Desire”- 2023. Her poems have been translated into English, Hungarian, Bengali, Urdu, Pashto, Hindi and Bulgarian. Maja Milojković is a member of the poetry club “Area Felix” from Zaječar, Serbia, and a member of the literary club “Zlatno pero” from Knjaževac, Serbia. She is also a member of the International Association of Writers and Artists “Gorski vidici” (“Mountain Views”) from Podgorica, Montenegro and other international organizations.
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