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You are my morning brightness,
evening silence;
You are lighted than dream,
faster than wind,
fresher than sundrop,
sweeter than mother’s voice,
lighted than torch,
stronger than universe,
powerful than life.
You are my star
written in the sky,
grass whispering to earth,
my blood over the sea,
angel who’ s talking
with the eyes,
monk worshiping
on the Godtower.
Whenever I am saying
your name,
I am saying everything,
my only love
and truth ahead of the Lord.
(Self-translation from Serbian)
You are my morning brightness,
evening silence;
You are lighted than dream,
faster than wind,
fresher than sundrop,
sweeter than mother’s voice,
lighted than torch,
stronger than universe,
powerful than life.
You are my star
written in the sky,
grass whispering to earth,
my blood over the sea,
angel who’ s talking
with the eyes,
monk worshiping
on the Godtower.
Whenever I am saying
your name,
I am saying everything,
my only love
and truth ahead of the Lord.
(Self-translation from Serbian)
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Ranko Dražić is a prominent, distinguished and distinct Serbian poet with 65 years of age He also composes poems in English language. He has been writing poetry for four decades. He has dual citizenship of Bosnia and America. He has spent about 25 years in America.
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Great Translation of a great poem