War Is Not Far Away

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War is not far away,
The hunter raises the rifle to aim at the prey,
When the prey is living its comfortable life,
When the prey is fast asleep.
When the enemy sees you as a piece of cake,
You need to prove to the world,
You have a backbone.
When the enemy sees you as a small white rabbit,
You need to prove to the world,
You are a big porcupine.
When the enemy sees you as an egg,
You need to prove to the world,
You are a rock.
A stubborn will to resist the enemy,
Is a weapon that is never out of date,
When you properly arm yourself,
The entire world will stand by you.
(Translated from Mandarin by Te-chang Mike Lo)
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Born in Taiwan. She has published 13 books including “Non-diary, 2009”, “String Echo in Forest, 2010”, ”Mask, 2016”, “Uncertain Landscape, 2017”, “Promise, 2017”, “Poetry Feeling in Tamsui, 2018” , “Fracture, 2018”, “My Beloved Neruda, 2020”, “Virus takes no rest, 2021” , “Encountering wth Cesar Vallejo,2022”, “Heaven on Earth, 2022”, “Room, 2023”, and “Christmas Month in Mexico, 2024” Chen Hsiu-chen has participated the International Poetry Festival held in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, and was featured on the cover of international magazine “La Barca” Issue No. 9 of Colombia, as well as interviewed by media from India and reported with her poetic career by media from Puerto Rico. Her poems have been translated into more than twenty languages and selected into several tens of poetry anthologies. She was awarded with Estrella Matutina by Festival of Capulí Vallejo y su Tierra from Peru in 2018, Naji Naaman Literary Prizes from Lebanon in 2020 and conferred the International Intellectual Certificate of the year 2024 from the International Cultural Forum for Humanity and Creativity in Syria.
View all postsBorn in 1978 in Taiwan. He immigrated to South Africa with his family as a child and lived there for more than 25 years, earning a PhD in Molecular Medicine. After returning to Taiwan to find his “Taiwanese-ness”, and through a series of serendipitous coincidences, his career path turned to one of interpretation/translation and teaching. He assisted the Formosa International Poetry Festival in Tamsui for many years, which led to him starting to write poetry. Currently living in Tamsui, Te-chang Mike Lo has returned to graduate school to study for a PhD in English, to further improve his writing skills and literary foundation. He is the translator of Li Yu-fang’s “At Dawn” poetry collection and Kenyan poet Christopher Okemwa’s “Christopher Okemwa: Selected Poems” poetry collection. His first poetry collection “Taiwan Days•South Africa Nights” was published in September 2023.
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