The Call From Heaven…

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In their dreams, they hear echoes,
The call is from the ancestors;
They have found out,
That the land they tilled well is now well wasted,
The crops no longer grow,
They are stunned and stunted;
The have found out that their children have lost the common culture,
They no longer eat from the same bowl;
They have found out,
They (children) have broken the jars in their comforts,
They have buried the customary wells,
Broken the pestles and the mortars,
And they no longer cook the delicious meal,
But buy the breakfast from the restaurants.
They have found out,
They have found out that the societal laws have no longer custodians,
Children no longer wear the ethics, norms, values and behaviours they were proud of,
But follow the pattern of rights they are favoured.
They have found out,
That no one disciplines with the cane and rope,
They are shocked that no one crosses the borders to admonish brothers’ children,
Because the laws have metamorphic morphs,
Which was as a means of changing the old clothes;
No one helps the other no matter how they are closed,
Interest has won and profit has triumphed.
They have echoed the call through the dream,
A dream from darkness is like a
“Walking shadow”,
The call is from a silent land,
And therefore, it’s not heard,
Only a heaver in heaven.
In their sleeps and dreams,
They have found out,
We are no longer,
The servant, but servitudes.
(Translated from Wolof by Ibraayma Jonn)
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Born in 1989 in a Village known as Kabakoto in Upper Niumi District, North Bank Region, The Gambia. He got his primary and elementary education from Kabakoto Primary School and Kerr Cherno Omar Junior Secondary School, Essau SSS at WASSCE Level (Grade 12), The Gambia College, School of Education in 2007/2008 academic year and passed his PTC programme. He pursued a Degree Course and majored in English Language and Minored in History. He completed with Cum Laude his Bachelor of Arts in Education, English Language, joining the 16th Convocation ceremony at UTG. Baboucarr E.A. Busso also served as teacher in various schools like Essau SSS (Teaching Practice), Sittanunku UB/SSS, and Kabakoto BCS (home), Bottrop Technical Upper and Senior Secondary School from Garba Jahumpa SSS, Banjul. He is employed by MoBSE. He is renowned as a Literature Teacher and a Teacher Coordinator of Debate, writing, and other creative skills. Now-a-days, Baboucarr E.A. Busso is a proficient and prolific writer as he was awarded the Most Prolific Writer in 2022 under School of Education, EDUSA. He was also a Nominee of the same Award in the same year at UTGSU Awards Night. He is a poet, an Essayist, social commentator, an Educationist, a trainer, and a teacher. As a bard, Baboucarr E.A. Busso has won many accolades. He was awarded Youth Award Winner in April, 2024 by African Youth Awards.
View all postsIbraayma Jonn is a trained teacher and journalist in The Gambia. He is also a poet and song writer. Ibraayma believes a lot in studying the Negro languages and writing in the African languages orthography. This is what led him to join WAX (Wolof ak Xamle - Jàng Wolof) where he studied the Wolof language. He is equally interested in studying Serer and other Gambian languages.
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