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You Can’t Kill Me
Though I’m an immortal man
But you can’t kill me, O’Death!
Since, I’m skylight
in the dark room
You can’t kill me O’Death!
The flowers wither, you see,
But the vase glitters always
You can’t kill me, O’Death!
There are sufferings,
But these won’t longer in our motherland.
You can’t kill me O’Death!
Though, the storm hurtling
towards us,
To make us cadavers.
But you can’t kill me, O’Death!
All Alone
In the innermost, he is a man;
While in the temple, he is Bhagwan;
So much he has become all alone!
Pondering over again and again,
And then again, he wonders,
So much he has become all alone!
The lie reached its end,
But, the faith is still on the way ;
So much he has become all alone!
First you created brilliance of the beauty,
Then, finally, created humanity!
So much he has become all alone!
When you left home, O’my beloved!
The home went to a ghost house
So much he has become all alone!
In the innermost, he is a man;
While in the temple, he is Bhagwan
So much he has become all alone!
Journey to Light
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy,
To be wise in fools’ city;
It is
just like to eat venom.
collision of a lit up candle
with a violent storm,
yet it has to
It’s a journey from dusk to dawn.
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy,
One has to endure affliction
for some time;
When one come out of the dark room
into clear and bright atmosphere
the dazzles, spread over,
make the eyes to squint
that nothing is seen for a while.
Though piercing like thorns,
Oh, but seeing light as naked gold
is quite delightful!
It’s not easy,
It’s not easy.
(Translated from Sindhi by Professor Muhammad Hashim Solangi)
Ayaz Gul
You Can’t Kill Me
Though I’m an immortal man
But you can’t kill me, O’Death!
Since, I’m skylight
in the dark room
You can’t kill me O’Death!
The flowers wither, you see,
But the vase glitters always
You can’t kill me, O’Death!
There are sufferings, though,
But these won’t longer in our motherland.
You can’t kill me O’Death!
Though, the storm hurtling towards us,
To make us cadavers.
But you can’t kill me, O’Death!
Ayaz Gul
All Alone
In the innermost, he is a man;
While in the temple, he is Bhagwan;
So much he has become all alone!
Pondering over again and again,
And then again, he wonders,
So much he has become all alone!
The lie reached its end,
But, the faith is still on the way ;
So much he has become all alone!
First you created brilliance of the beauty,
Then, finally, created humanity!
So much he has become all alone!
When you left home, O’my beloved!
The home went to a ghost house
So much he has become all alone!
In the innermost, he is a man;
While in the temple, he is Bhagwan
So much he has become all alone!
Ayaz Gul
Journey to Light
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy,
To be wise in fools’ city;
It is just like to eat venom.
It’s collision of a lit up candle
with a violent storm,
yet it has to burn!
It’s a journey from dusk to dawn.
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy,
One has to endure affliction
for some time;
When one come out of the dark room
into clear and bright atmosphere
the dazzles, spread over,
make the eyes to squint
that nothing is seen for a while.
Though piercing like thorns,
Oh, but seeing light as naked gold
is quite delightful!
It’s not easy,
It’s not easy.
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Ayaz Gul was born on 6th March 1959 in Sukkur with the name Ayaz Ali Dal. He completed his M.A in Sindhi Literature (1980) with the Chancellor’s Gold Medal, M.A International Relations (1981) and then did his LL.B. Exam in 1983. In the same year, he joined college education as a lecturer. Later on, he was appointed in the newly established Sindhi Department at Shah Abdul Latif University (SALU), Khairpur, and he has recently retired as the Chairman of the said department. During this tenure, he also performed multifarious responsibilities as the Director of Sachal Chair, a member of the University Syndicate, Incharge Director Sheikh Ayaz Chair etc. Ayaz Gul also served as a member of Board of Governors of Sindhi Language Authority, Sindhi Adabi Board, Institute of Sindhology, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sukkur and Department of Culture & Tourism, Government of Sindh. He also worked as an editor for two research journals “Ashkaar” and “Bhittai” published by the SALU. He has presented his literary work and research papers in various international conferences and seminars in USA, India and Turkey. Ayaz Gul had earned accolade as an important, significant and trendsetting poet of modern Sindhi poetry. He has proved his mettle in Urdu poetry as well and his Sindhi poetry has been translated in various languages like Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi. He has eight books of poetry to his credit: Sochoon Surha Gul (1978), Gul Ain Tara (1979), Peela Gul Palaand’a Mein (1980), Dinh Dithay Ja Sapna (1984), To Bin Kehra Chhanwara (1992), Dukh’a Ji Na Pujjaani Aa (1997), Mele Ji Tanhaayi (2012), Nind’a Pari (2021); and more than 15 books of non-fiction which these are worth mentioning: “Sukkur Joon Yaadgeeriyoon” (2001), “Pawaan Shal Qabool” (2005), “Roshan Aa Saanjhi” (2008), and “Mysticism, Sind & Sachal Sarmest” (2011). His poetry has also been published in four children’s poetry books as a part of the USAID’s Pakistan Reading Project. His Ghazals and poems have also been sung by the eminent Sindhi and Urdu singers. Ayaz Gul, has been awarded National Award twice for his poetry collections “Dukh’a Ji Na Pujjaani Aa” in 1997 and “Mele Ji Tanhaayi” in 2012. He is a recipient of President’s Pride of Performance award in 2021 from the President of Pakistan. He has also been awarded with Literature Award by the Sindhi Language Authority. He has received over 50 gold medals and awards in recognition of his literary and academic achievements.
View all postsBorn on the 2nd August 1962 in a small village namely Haji Khan Taluka Johi, District Dadu. He did his graduation from Government Degree Boys College Dadu (now Ustad Bukhari Government Boys Degree College), Dadu. He got his degree in MA in English Literature in the from the University of Sindh, Jamshoro during 1987. He joined Government Mehran Degree College Moro as Lecturer in English. He taught in various colleges of Sindh and finally retired from Government Boys and Girls Degree College Murad Memon Goth Malir Karachi on the 1st August 2022. He has translated nearly one hundred stories from Sindhi to English, and the poetic works of the classical poets as well as both the modern and the postmodern poets of Sindhi language.
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Beautiful poems
First poem reminds me of ODE ON A GRACIAN URN