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A memory,
Can grab you by the collar,
Get you fired,
Reminding you your worth,
Like a boss.
A memory,
Can suddenly smash you,
Walking down the road,
Like a hurtling car.
A memory,
Can attack you,
Like a wolf,
Relaxing in the shade of a tree.
A memory,
Can drown you off guard,
Hiding at the seaside.
A memory,
Can collapse on your head,
Like the roof of your room,
With a loud bang.
It’s impossible to escape memories,
But we can’t stop living —
Scared of calamities.
(Translated from Urdu by Mustafa Liwal)
A memory,
Can grab you by the collar,
Get you fired,
Reminding you your worth,
Like a boss.
A memory,
Can suddenly smash you,
Walking down the road,
Like a hurtling car.
A memory,
Can attack you,
Like a wolf,
Relaxing in the shade of a tree.
A memory,
Can drown you off guard,
Hiding at the seaside.
A memory,
Can collapse on your head,
Like the roof of your room,
With a loud bang.
It’s impossible to escape memories,
But we can’t stop living —
Scared of calamities.
(Translated from Urdu by Mustafa Liwal)
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Nasim Khan, born on April 10, 1998 in Zhob, Balochistan, Pakistan. He is an MA in Pashto (Gold Medal) and Urdu. He is Pashto, Urdu and English poet and a translator. Nasim Khan has published his books in all three languages, which include three collections of poems in Urdu: “Rangrez” (Colourist), “Copy Paste Love” and “Waiting Room”; Pashto collection of Poems: “Murtid Nazmuna” (Apostate Poems); and English collection of Poems: “The Scent of Sin.”
View all postsMustafa was born on the 04th of July, 1995 in Mohmand tribe bordering Afghanistan. He writes with pen name Mustafa Liwal. He has a master’s in the English Language and Literature. He occasionally writes Pashto poetry, especially Ghazal, but has not had any publications yet. Presently, Liwal lives in London, England, and works as an interpreter and translator with Premium Linguistic Services and Absolute Interpreting and Translations Ltd.
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