
Born in Skopje, Macedonia, Biljana Chelik is Master of law. She is a writer, poetess, and founder &President of the Humanitarian Cultural PHOENIX NGO. Biljana Chelik has been writing poetry since she was 9 years old and she received her first prize for poetry at the age of 10. She writes patriotic, love and spiritual poetry. Biljana Chelik has published 4 books of poetry in the Macedonian language: 1.ЦРВЕНО ЖОЛТО ИЗГРЕЈСОНЦЕ” (RED-YELLOW SUNRISE) — a collection of patriotic poetry), 2. “МОЈА МАКЕДОНИЈА” (MY MACEDONIA) — a collection of patriotic poetry, 3. “ТИ СИ МОЕТО СЕ” (YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING) — a collection of love poetry, and 4. “БИТИСУВАЊЕ ВО КОСМОСОТ” (BEING INTO COSMOS) — a collection of spiritual poetry. Her work has been translated into Turkish, Russian and French. Her poetry has been published in many domestic and world anthologies. She has won many first prizes for her poetry, and is the winner of a special prize for the affirmation of the Macedonian language and culture. She has also received awards for culture from Macedonia, Russia, China, and Romania. In 2024, received the most prestigious prize for poetry from the World Poetry Union. Biljana Chelik also succeeded in winning several awards from a number of NGOs for her humanitarian activities and assistance to people with Down syndrome, old and frail people, poor families, children without parents and disabled people. She organizes many humanitarian actions in Macedonia and in the world. She is also an organizer of cultural events and editor of four (4) anthologies from a group of authors from all over the world. Until 2023 she was co- founder and General Secretary of World poet’s federation and Elias Shagar Academy. Biljana Chelik actively collaborates with writers and humanitarian activists from all over the world. She will soon organize the world cultural festival for poetry “All together for the city of Skopje”. She is in constant communication with the Huns and Kalashis as the successors of Alexander the Great’s army. Biljana Chelik’s NGO, PHOENIX, where she is an editor, has also published following books of poetry: 1) “ХЕРОИТЕ НА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1” (HEROES OF MACEDONIA - 1) — poetry from poets from around the world, 2) “ХЕРОИТЕ НА МАКЕДОНИЈА – 2” (HEROES OF MACEDONIA – 2) — poetry from poets from around the world, 3) “ПОЕЗИЈА ЗА МАКЕДОНИЈА” (POETRY FOR MACEDONIA) — poetry from poets from around the world, and 4) “27 АПРИЛ ЛЕТО ГОСПОДОВО 2017” (APRIL 27 YEAR OF GOD 2017) — poetry by poets from Macedonia.